Even £25 can help bring comfort and a sense of safety to a child, easing them through one of the toughest moments in their young life.
A child like Maya.
This time last year, 12-year-old Maya broke her leg in two places when out playing with friends. They called the ambulance and she was rushed to the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. Terrified, in pain and worried she’d wake up alone, Maya went in for surgery on her leg.
Maya’s fear of waking alone was eased because she knew her mum was right there. This was possible because after Maya was moved onto the surgical ward a helpful nurse pulled out a visitor’s bed – also known as a Glideaway bed – so she could have her mum alongside her throughout the night.
The charity has been asked to provide 20 new Glideaway beds. So patients like Maya can have a parent or carer, friend or family member, alongside them wile they go through the worst – sometimes the first – trauma of their young lives.
Each Glideaway bed costs £906.30. A donation of £90.63 from just 10 generous supporters could fund one bed.
Alison Steel, Maya’s mum, felt relief and gratitude that the Glideaway bed was there. She shared:
And it’s not just inside our hospitals that My University Hospitals Sussex helps children. The charity is currently funding an external community trial to give children with ‘glue ear’ bone-conduction hearing aids, which send sounds straight to the hearing organ in the inner ear, bypassing any blockages of the middle or outer ear. The alternative is what can be a daunting (and expensive) operation to fit grommets under general anaesthetic.
Yet for as little as £50 you could help a child avoid this and give them a bone-conduction hearing aid instead, enabling them to hear once again.
So please will you add One More Gift to your Christmas shopping list this year?
Make your donation here